Fork 0

Adds Unlondon Arduino Intro w/ whack-a-mole game

This commit is contained in:
Shawn Nock 2016-07-03 16:18:52 -04:00
parent e01e4a12d6
commit f999df9d55
38 changed files with 2179 additions and 0 deletions

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

art/Breadboard+switch.fzz Normal file

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
SOURCES=$(wildcard *.md)
all: $(PDFS)
%.pdf: $(SOURCES)
pandoc --slide-level 2 -t beamer -V theme:metropolis --template template.tex $(@:.pdf=.md) -o $@
gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dPDFSETTINGS=/ebook -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dBATCH \
-sOutputFile=$(@:.pdf=.ebook.pdf) $@
rm -f *.pdf
live: $(PDFS)
evince $(PDFS) &
while /bin/true; do inotifywait $(SOURCES); make all; done
present: setup-projector $(PDFS)
pdfpc $(PDFS)
make disable-projector
xrandr --output VGA1 --above LVDS1 --auto
xrandr --output VGA1 --off

View File

@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
%% This is file `beamercolorthememetropolis.sty',
%% generated with the docstrip utility.
%% The original source files were:
%% beamercolorthememetropolis.dtx (with options: `package')
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Copyright 2015 Matthias Vogelgesang and the LaTeX community. A full list of
%% contributors can be found at
%% https://github.com/matze/mtheme/graphs/contributors
%% and the original template was based on the HSRM theme by Benjamin Weiss.
%% This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
%% International License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/).
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
\ProvidesPackage{beamercolorthememetropolis}[2016/03/14 Metropolis color theme]
.is choice,
.is choice,
\setbeamercolor{normal text}{%
\setbeamercolor{normal text}{%
\setbeamercolor{alerted text}{%
\setbeamercolor{example text}{%
\setbeamercolor{titlelike}{use=normal text, parent=normal text}
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\setbeamercolor{institute}{use=normal text, parent=normal text}
\setbeamercolor{structure}{use=normal text, fg=normal text.fg}
\setbeamercolor{palette primary}{%
use=normal text,
fg=normal text.bg,
bg=normal text.fg
use=palette primary,
parent=palette primary
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use=alerted text,
fg=alerted text.fg,
bg=alerted text.fg!50!black!30
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parent=progress bar
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use=progress bar,
parent=progress bar
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parent=progress bar
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use=normal text,
fg=normal text.fg,
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use=normal text,
fg=normal text.fg,
bg=normal text.bg!80!fg
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\setbeamercolor{block title alerted}{%
use={block title, alerted text},
bg=block title.bg,
fg=alerted text.fg
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use={block title, example text},
bg=block title.bg,
fg=example text.fg
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\setbeamercolor{block body example}{use=block body, parent=block body}
\setbeamercolor{footnote}{fg=normal text.fg!90}
\setbeamercolor{footnote mark}{fg=.}
%% End of file `beamercolorthememetropolis.sty'.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
%% This is file `beamerfontthememetropolis.sty',
%% generated with the docstrip utility.
%% The original source files were:
%% beamerfontthememetropolis.dtx (with options: `package')
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Copyright 2015 Matthias Vogelgesang and the LaTeX community. A full list of
%% contributors can be found at
%% https://github.com/matze/mtheme/graphs/contributors
%% and the original template was based on the HSRM theme by Benjamin Weiss.
%% This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
%% International License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/).
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
\ProvidesPackage{beamerfontthememetropolis}[2016/03/14 Metropolis font theme]
\ifboolexpr{bool {xetex} or bool {luatex}}{
\font\x = "#1" at 10pt
\iffontsavailable{Fira Sans Light,%
Fira Sans Light Italic,%
Fira Sans,%
Fira Sans Italic}%
\setsansfont[ItalicFont={Fira Sans Light Italic},%
BoldFont={Fira Sans},%
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{Fira Sans Light}%
\iffontsavailable{Fira Sans Light OT,%
Fira Sans Light Italic OT,%
Fira Sans OT,%
Fira Sans Italic OT}%
\setsansfont[ItalicFont={Fira Sans Light Italic OT},%
BoldFont={Fira Sans OT},%
BoldItalicFont={Fira Sans Italic OT}]%
{Fira Sans Light OT}%
Could not find Fira Sans fonts%
\iffontsavailable{Fira Mono, Fira Mono Bold}{%
\setmonofont[BoldFont={Fira Mono Medium}]{Fira Mono}%
\iffontsavailable{Fira Mono OT, Fira Mono Bold OT}{%
\setmonofont[BoldFont={Fira Mono Medium OT}]{Fira Mono OT}%
Could not find Fira Mono fonts%
You need to compile with XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX to use the Fira fonts%
\setbeamerfont{section title}{size=\Large,%
\setbeamerfont{block title}{size=\normalsize,%
\setbeamerfont{block title alerted}{size=\normalsize,%
\setbeamerfont{caption name}{series=\bfseries}
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\setbeamerfont{bibliography entry author}{size=\normalsize,%
\setbeamerfont{bibliography entry title}{size=\normalsize,%
\setbeamerfont{bibliography entry location}{size=\normalsize,%
\setbeamerfont{bibliography entry note}{size=\small,%
/metropolis/font/titleformat title/.cd,
.is choice,
Be aware that titleformat title=allsmallcaps can lead to problems%
Be aware that titleformat title=allcaps can lead to problems%
/metropolis/font/titleformat subtitle/.cd,
.is choice,
Be aware that titleformat subtitle=allsmallcaps can lead to problems%
Be aware that titleformat subtitle=allcaps can lead to problems%
/metropolis/font/titleformat section/.cd,
.is choice,
\setbeamerfont{section title}{shape=\normalfont}%
\setbeamerfont{section title}{shape=\scshape}%
\setbeamerfont{section title}{shape=\scshape}%
Be aware that titleformat section=allsmallcaps can lead to problems%
\setbeamerfont{section title}{shape=\normalfont}%
Be aware that titleformat section=allcaps can lead to problems%
/metropolis/font/titleformat frame/.cd,
.is choice,
Be aware that titleformat frame=allsmallcaps can lead to problems%
Be aware that titleformat frame=allcaps can lead to problems%
titleformattitle/.code=\pgfkeysalso{titleformat title=#1},
titleformatsubtitle/.code=\pgfkeysalso{titleformat subtitle=#1},
titleformatsection/.code=\pgfkeysalso{titleformat section=#1},
titleformatframe/.code=\pgfkeysalso{titleformat frame=#1},
titleformat title=regular,
titleformat subtitle=regular,
titleformat section=regular,
titleformat frame=regular,
{\PackageError{beamerfontthememetropolis}{Patching title failed}}
{\PackageError{beamerfontthememetropolis}{Patching subtitle failed}}
{\PackageError{beamerfontthememetropolis}{Patching section title failed}}
{\PackageError{beamerfontthememetropolis}{Patching section title failed}}
\usebeamertemplate*{frametitle continuation}\fi}}%
\usebeamertemplate*{frametitle continuation}\fi}}%
{\PackageError{beamerfontthememetropolis}{Patching frame title failed}}
%% End of file `beamerfontthememetropolis.sty'.

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@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
%% This is file `beamerinnerthememetropolis.sty',
%% generated with the docstrip utility.
%% The original source files were:
%% beamerinnerthememetropolis.dtx (with options: `package')
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Copyright 2015 Matthias Vogelgesang and the LaTeX community. A full list of
%% contributors can be found at
%% https://github.com/matze/mtheme/graphs/contributors
%% and the original template was based on the HSRM theme by Benjamin Weiss.
%% This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
%% International License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/).
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
\ProvidesPackage{beamerinnerthememetropolis}[2016/03/14 Metropolis inner theme]
.is choice,
\setbeamertemplate{section page}[simple]},
\setbeamertemplate{section page}[progressbar]},
.is choice,
\setbeamertemplate{section page}[simple]},
\setbeamertemplate{section page}[progressbar]},
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% intentionally empty
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% intentionally empty
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\fill[fg] (0,0) rectangle (\metropolis@progressonsectionpage, 0.4pt);
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\setbeamertemplate{itemize items}{\textbullet}
\setbeamertemplate{caption label separator}{: }
\parindent 0em\noindent%
\usebeamercolor{footnote}\hbox to 0.8em{\hfil\insertfootnotemark}\insertfootnotetext\par%
\define@key{beamerframe}{c}[true]{% centered
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use=palette primary,
bg=-palette primary.fg
\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{
use=palette primary,
bg=palette primary.bg
\usebeamercolor[fg]{palette primary}
%% End of file `beamerinnerthememetropolis.sty'.

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@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
%% This is file `beamerouterthememetropolis.sty',
%% generated with the docstrip utility.
%% The original source files were:
%% beamerouterthememetropolis.dtx (with options: `package')
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Copyright 2015 Matthias Vogelgesang and the LaTeX community. A full list of
%% contributors can be found at
%% https://github.com/matze/mtheme/graphs/contributors
%% and the original template was based on the HSRM theme by Benjamin Weiss.
%% This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
%% International License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/).
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
\ProvidesPackage{beamerouterthememetropolis}[2016/03/14 Metropolis outer theme]
.is choice,
none/.code=\setbeamertemplate{frame numbering}[none],
counter/.code=\setbeamertemplate{frame numbering}[counter],
fraction/.code=\setbeamertemplate{frame numbering}[fraction],
.is choice,
\usebeamertemplate*{progress bar in head/foot}
\usebeamertemplate*{progress bar in head/foot}
\usebeamertemplate*{progress bar in head/foot}%
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
\defbeamertemplate{frame footer}{none}{}
\defbeamertemplate{frame footer}{custom}[1]{ #1 }
\defbeamertemplate{frame numbering}{none}{}
\defbeamertemplate{frame numbering}{counter}{\insertframenumber}
\defbeamertemplate{frame numbering}{fraction}{
\begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=\textwidth, sep=3ex]{footline}%
\usebeamerfont{page number in head/foot}%
\usebeamertemplate*{frame footer}
\usebeamertemplate*{frame numbering}
\rule{0pt}{\metropolis@frametitle@padding +%
\ifcsdef{metropolis@frametitleformat}{\metropolis@frametitleformat X}{X}%
\setbeamertemplate{progress bar in head/foot}{
\paperwidth * \ratio{\insertframenumber pt}{\inserttotalframenumber pt}%
\begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=\paperwidth]{progress bar in head/foot}
\fill[bg] (0,0) rectangle (\paperwidth, 0.4pt);
\fill[fg] (0,0) rectangle (\metropolis@progressinheadfoot, 0.4pt);
%% End of file `beamerouterthememetropolis.sty'.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
%% This is file `beamerthememetropolis.sty',
%% generated with the docstrip utility.
%% The original source files were:
%% beamerthememetropolis.dtx (with options: `package')
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Copyright 2015 Matthias Vogelgesang and the LaTeX community. A full list of
%% contributors can be found at
%% https://github.com/matze/mtheme/graphs/contributors
%% and the original template was based on the HSRM theme by Benjamin Weiss.
%% This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
%% International License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/).
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2016/03/14 v1.1 Metropolis Beamer theme]
.search also={
/metropolis/titleformat plain/.cd,
.is choice,
Be aware that titleformat plain=allsmallcaps can lead to problems%
Be aware that titleformat plain=allcaps can lead to problems%
font/titleformat title=#1,
font/titleformat subtitle=#1,
font/titleformat section=#1,
font/titleformat frame=#1,
titleformat plain=#1,
blockbg/.code=\pgfkeysalso{color/block=fill, inner/block=fill},
titleformat plain=regular,
The syntax `\plain' may be deprecated in a future version of Metropolis.
Please use a frame with [standout] instead.
%% End of file `beamerthememetropolis.sty'.

Binary file not shown.


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@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
% Package: textpos is required for textblock*
% fullFrameMovie
% Arguments:
% [optional]: movie-options, seperated by &
% Supported options: loop, start=N, end=N, autostart
% Default: autostart&loop
% 1. Movie file
% 2. Poster image
% 3. Any text on the slide, or nothing (e.g. {})
% Example:
% \fullFrameMovie[loop&autostart]{apollo17.avi}{apollo17.jpg}{\copyrightText{Apollo 17, NASA}}
\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=black}
% to make this work for both horizontally filled and vertically filled images, we create an absolutely
% positioned textblock* that we force to be the width of the slide.
% we then place it at (0,0), and then create a box inside of it to ensure that it's always 95% of the vertical
% height of the frame. Once we have created an absolutely positioned and sized box, it doesn't matter what
% goes inside -- it will always be vertically and horizontally centered
\vbox to 0.95\paperheight {
% inlineMovie
% Arguments:
% [optional]: movie-options, seperated by &
% Supported options: loop, start=N, end=N, autostart
% Default: autostart&loop
% 1. Movie file
% 2. Poster image
% 3. size command, such as width=\textwidth
% Example:
% \inlineMovie[loop&autostart&start=5&stop=12]{apollo17.avi}{apollo17.jpg}{height=0.7\textheight}
% copyrightText
% Produces small text on the right side of the screen, useful for
% stating copyright or other small notes in movies or images
% Arguments:
% [optional]: text color
% Default: white
% 1. Text to be displayed
% Example:
% \copyrightText{Full frame image of: Apollo 17, NASA}
% fullFrameImageZoomed
% Produces a slide that contains a full frame image. Scales down the image
% to fit if the aspect ratio of the slide does not match the image.
% Arguments:
% [optional]: color of text on page
% Default: white
% 1. Path to image file
% 2. Any additional content on the frame
% Example:
% \fullFrameImageZoomed{apollo17.jpg}{\copyrightText{Full frame image of: Apollo 17, NASA}}
\setbeamercolor{normal text}{bg=black,fg=#1}
% to make this work for both horizontally filled and vertically filled images, we create an absolutely
% positioned textblock* that we force to be the width of the slide.
% we then place it at (0,0), and then create a box inside of it to ensure that it's always 95% of the vertical
% height of the frame. Once we have created an absolutely positioned and sized box, it doesn't matter what
% goes inside -- it will always be vertically and horizontally centered
\vbox to 0.95\paperheight {
% fullFrameImageZoomed
% Produces a slide that contains a full frame image. If the aspect ratio
% of the image does not match the slide, it crops the image.
% Arguments:
% [optional]: color of text on page
% Default: black
% 1. Path to image file
% 2. Any additional content on the frame
% Example:
% \fullFrameImageZoomed{apollo17.jpg}{\copyrightText{Full frame image of: Apollo 17, NASA}}
\setbeamercolor{normal text}{bg=black,fg=#1}

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@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
%% This is file `pgfplotsthemetol.sty',
%% generated with the docstrip utility.
%% The original source files were:
%% pgfplotsthemetol.dtx (with options: `package')
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Copyright 2015 Matthias Vogelgesang and the LaTeX community. A full list of
%% contributors can be found at
%% https://github.com/matze/mtheme/graphs/contributors
%% and the original template was based on the HSRM theme by Benjamin Weiss.
%% This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
%% International License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/).
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2016/03/14 PGFplots colors based on Paul Tol's SRON technical note]
\pgfplotscreateplotcyclelist{mbarplot cycle}{%
{draw=TolDarkBlue, fill=TolDarkBlue!70},
{draw=TolLightBrown, fill=TolLightBrown!70},
{draw=TolLightGreen, fill=TolLightGreen!70},
{draw=TolDarkPink, fill=TolDarkPink!70},
{draw=TolDarkPurple, fill=TolDarkPurple!70},
{draw=TolDarkRed, fill=TolDarkRed!70},
{draw=TolDarkBrown, fill=TolDarkBrown!70},
{draw=TolLightRed, fill=TolLightRed!70},
{draw=TolLightPink, fill=TolLightPink!70},
{draw=TolLightPurple, fill=TolLightPurple!70},
{draw=TolLightBlue, fill=TolLightBlue!70},
{draw=TolDarkGreen, fill=TolDarkGreen!70},
\pgfplotscreateplotcyclelist{mlineplot cycle}{%
{TolDarkBlue, mark=*, mark size=1.5pt},
{TolLightBrown, mark=square*, mark size=1.3pt},
{TolLightGreen, mark=triangle*, mark size=1.5pt},
{TolDarkBrown, mark=diamond*, mark size=1.5pt},
major grid style={dotted},
axis x line=bottom,
axis y line=left,
legend style={
cycle list name=mlineplot cycle,
mbarplot base/.style={
bar width=6pt,
axis y line*=none,
mbarplot base,
area legend,
legend image code/.code={%
\draw[#1] (0cm,-0.1cm) rectangle (0.15cm,0.1cm);
cycle list name=mbarplot cycle,
horizontal mbarplot/.style={
mbarplot base,
xbar stacked,
area legend,
legend image code/.code={%
\draw[#1] (0cm,-0.1cm) rectangle (0.15cm,0.1cm);
cycle list name=mbarplot cycle,
legend style={
x tick label style={
y tick label style={
legend style={
major grid style={
axis x line*=bottom,
disable thousands separator/.style={
/pgf/number format/.cd,
1000 sep={}
%% End of file `pgfplotsthemetol.sty'.

Binary file not shown.

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
### 2
29### 4
Nuit Blanche - Take over the city w/ interactive art
Work in Practice @ Explode (Illustrators explaining their artistic practice and portfolio feedback)### 22
Devices that are 'on' have current flowing through them. Most of what we'll do today is getting current to flow through devices in various ways.### 23
Potential is the push that moves current.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,645 @@
author: Raphael Kopala, Shawn Nock
institute: Unlondon Digital Media Assoc.
title: Introduction to Arduino
subtitle: Maker Workshop
lang: en-CA
colorlinks: true
# Goals
## Unlondon
{\huge Enabling Exploration, Creativity, and Excellence In Art+Make+Tech}
Challenging and embracing ideas related to new technologies and social
platforms through the education, entertainment and engagement of our
membership and the community-at-large.
- 121Studios: Coworking for Creatives
- Unlab: Hackerspace
- Events: STEAM Outreach & Edu., ExplodeConf, Nuit Blanche
## Shawn: Day Job
Freelance Embedded Systems Engineer
- Indoor location tracking w/ Bluetooth
- Keychain / Fitness Band Widgets
- Joystick for VR
- Remote Controls
- Internet of S*#t
## Shawn: The Fun Stuff
Hacker, Church of the Weird Machine, Odd Duck
\item Arduino compatible implant
\item EEG Games / Toy Hacking
\item Brain Stimulation
\item Be Weird, Make Weird, Have Fun!
## Raphael: The Vital Info
- Manufacturing Engineer
- Instructor at Fanshawe
- Maker
# What's in your kit?
## Kit Contents
- Arduino Uno R3 Clone
- Solderless Breadboard
- Connecting wires
- LEDs
- Resistors, Potentiometer
- Buzzer
## What is Arduino?
$\mu$C + reset button + led + USB
It's a kit (on a board) with the bare minimum components to easily use the $\mu$C
hardware. They do the basic, boring design needed for any board, so users only
need to add the neat stuff.
<!-- ## Arduino UNO -->
<!-- The Arduino variety that we are using is the Arduino UNO. -->
<!-- - Processor: Atmel Atmega328p -->
<!-- - Memory: 2K RAM + 32K Flash -->
<!-- - FT232RL Logic-level Serial$\leftrightarrow$USB Chip -->
## Arduino Software
The Arduino folks also adapted an *Integrated Development Environment*
(IDE) to their boards. This IDE allows us to easily write programs for
their boards and then write the programs to the $\mu$C.
\Large Get the Arduino IDE:
## Installation
\Large Get installing
# Circuit Basics
## Current
Current is the flow of charge through a circuit. Conventionally we
think of this as happening from HIGH ($+$) to LOW ($-$)
## Voltage / Potential / Resistance
Voltage is how fast the current can move in the circuit. River
- current = flow rate: ($\si{\liter\per\second}$)
- voltage = change in height: ($\si{\meter}$)
Other devices in a circuit can impede / effect current flow. We'll
call them resistance(s).
## Diode
\item One way value for current\footnotemark[1]
\item LED $\equiv$ Light Emitting Diode
\item Band marks (-)\footnotemark[2]
\item Longer leg marks (+)
\footnotetext[1]{\tiny \url{https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/diodes}}
\footnotetext[2]{\tiny \url{https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/polarity/diode-and-led-polarity}}
## Diode Problems
* Diodes don't limit current
* Diodes aren't perfect (some current turned to heat)
* Too much current $\rightarrow$ Too much heat $\rightarrow$ \
\center{ \huge{\emph{What's that smell?} } }
## Resistor
\item \emph{Resists}/limits the flow of current
\item Needed for LEDs: $\approx\SI{400}{\ohm}$\\
(safe for $\le\SI{6}{\volt}$)
\item Button Pull-up/down: $\ge\SI{10}{\kilo\ohm}$
\item Color coded, Google it
## Ohm's Law
Ohm's Law relates current to potential and resistance.
$$ V = IR $$
$$ I=\frac{V}{R} $$
$$ R = \frac{V}{I} $$
* V = Potential in Volts (\si{\volt})
* I = Current in Amperes (\si{\ampere})
* R = Resistance in Ohms (\si{\ohm})
## Ohm's Law: Example
The datasheet for an LED says that the maximum continuous current is
\SI{15}{\milli\ampere}. Your circuit operates at \SI{5}{\volt}\footnotemark[1]. How
big should your resistor be?
$$ \si{\ohm} = \frac{\SI{5}{\volt}}{\SI{0.015}{\ampere}} = 333.\overline{3}\si{\ohm} $$
How much current for our *cheet sheet* value?
$$ \si{\ampere} = \frac{\SI{5}{\volt}}{\SI{400}{\ohm}} = \SI{12.5}{\milli\ampere} $$
\footnotetext[1]{\tiny Actually, this calculation is inaccurate. LEDs will have a *forward voltage drop* of between \SI{300}{\milli\volt} and \SI{700}{\milli\volt} this should be subtracted from \si{\volt} above... but it's not critical.}
## Buttons
- Buttons connect _or_ disconnect two wires/parts
- Momentary Switch: Normally Closed (NC), Normally Open (NO)
- Toggle Switch
## Circuits
A circuit is a completed loop from HIGH potential (voltage) to LOW,
which causes current to flow through some other components along the
## Transducers {.fragile}
Often these *other* components are *transducers*, which convert
electrical energy into another sort of energy:
| |
Speaker|Electrical $\rightarrow$ Sound
Microphone|Sound $\rightarrow$ Electrical
LED|Electrical $\rightarrow$ Light
LED|Light $\rightarrow$ Electrical
Piezoelectric|Electrical $\rightarrow$ Motion
<!-- ## Piezo Buzzer -->
<!-- - Piezoelectric elements change shape when voltage is applied -->
<!-- - Thin discs can be made to oscillate and create sound. -->
<!-- - Contains oscillator circuit -->
<!-- - Two connections: Vcc, GND -->
<!-- - Use a switch; connected = annoying tone, disconnected = glorious silence -->
## Power
The power supply provides the energy to drive the system.
Can be a:
* Voltage Regulator (converts one potential to another)
* Batteries
* Solar Panel
In our circuits, your laptop is converting it's power source to $\SI{5}{\volt}$ and
delivering power to our circuit via USB.
## $\mu$Controller
Microcontroller ($\mu$C) is a *processor*, *memory* and a few *peripherals* on a standalone
: is a group of transistors that understands a dozen or so
commands (ADD, SUB, JUMP..)
: a circuit that can hold values.
: Vary chip to chip, but often include timers, communications and
Seems complicated, but really simple. They read a command from the
start of memory, then execute the command. At the end of the command,
read the next command from the next memory cell and
repeat^[some commands change the address of the next fetched command]
## Digital Signals
- Vcc: The power supply of the circuit elements
- GND: The reference voltage (usually \SI{0}{\volt})
- Connecting a part to Vcc = Logical 1 or High
- Connecting to GND = Logical 0 or Low
- Connecting various pins to Vcc or Ground is all the $\mu$C can do to
talk to the world [^4]
[^4]: w/o fancy peripherals or dirty tricks
## $\mu$Controller INPUT and OUTPUT
Most of the pins on the Arduino can be set for INPUT or OUTPUT mode.
- INPUT mode pins listen for a signal ($0$ or $1$) from another device
- OUTPUT mode pins drive the pin High or Low
## Floating Pins
What's happens if an INPUT mode pin tries to read the value of a pin
that is connected to nothing? Is that a $1$ or $0$?
\center{\huge {No one knows!}}
It's dependant of transient charges, static, nearby electric fields,
the phase of the moon, \ldots Whenever you want to check a digital
signal, make sure that something is *driving* it (ensuring Vcc or GND).
## $\mu$C + Digital Signals as Switches
If one end of an LED is connected to ground, and the other end is
connected to an OUTPUT pin on a $\mu$Controller, then:
- If the $\mu$C sets the pin High (Vcc, $\SI{5}{\volt}$) then current
will flow from the pin through the LED and turn it on.
- If $\mu$C sets the pin Low (GND, $\SI{0}{\volt}$) then the current
will not flow and the LED is off.
# Let's start programming
## Configure Arduino
* Board: Arduino/Genuino UNO
* Port: \ldots
<!-- ## Fetch the Class Code -->
<!-- - Download and extract: [https://nocko.se/assets/arduino-medway.zip](https://nocko.se/assets/arduino-medway.zip) -->
<!-- - File$\rightarrow$Preferences -->
<!-- - Browse for sketchbook -->
<!-- - Point it at the `sketchbook` subfolder of the extracted download -->
<!-- - You should now see a list of projects in the -->
<!-- File$\rightarrow$Sketchbook menu. -->
## The Code Environment
## Your first Program
~~~ C
/* the setup function runs once on reset / power */
void setup() {
/* set pin 13 as an output */
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
/* the loop function repeats forever */
void loop() {
digitalWrite(13, HIGH); // turn on LED
delay(1000); // wait for a second
digitalWrite(13, LOW); // turn the off LED
delay(1000); // wait for a second
# Add Some Parts
## Breadboard
- Connectors gently pinch component leads, wires.
- Have internal connections
## Power Up the Rails
We use the long rows to distribute power. The Arduino outputs
$\SI{5}{\volt}$ on the pin marked `5V`, the reference (GND) is marked
![Arduino + Breadboard](images/bb+uno.png)
<!-- ## Buzzer: Hardware -->
<!-- \begin{center} -->
<!-- \includegraphics[width=0.98\textwidth]{images/buzzer-breadboard.png} -->
<!-- \end{center} -->
<!-- ## Buzzer: Software -->
<!-- ~~~ C -->
<!-- #define BUZZER 8 /* Make BUZZER same as pin 8 */ -->
<!-- void setup() { -->
<!-- pinMode(BUZZER, OUTPUT); -->
<!-- digitalWrite(BUZZER, HIGH); /* Turn off buzzer */ -->
<!-- } -->
<!-- void loop() { -->
<!-- digitalWrite(BUZZER, LOW); /* Turn on buzzer */ -->
<!-- delay(100); /* wait for 100ms */ -->
<!-- digitalWrite(BUZZER, HIGH); /* Turn off buzzer */ -->
<!-- delay(900); /* wait 900ms */ -->
<!-- } -->
<!-- ~~~ -->
## Push Button: Hardware
## Push Button: Hardware, Pt. 2
## Pullup / Pulldown Resistors
Reading a floating pin is **bad**. A switch only connects
and disconnects a wire. When the wire is disconnected... the INPUT pin
is floating!
Connect the pin to Vcc so that it reads High; use a
resistor to prevent short circuit (limit current).
## Push Button: Software (Part 1)
~~~ C
#define BUTTON 2
#define LED 13
int button_state = 0;
void setup() {
pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(LED, LOW); /* Start w/ LED off */
## Programming Note: Variables
Declare a variable:
~~~ C
int delay_ms = 1000;
`<type> <name> [= <initial value>];` (value optional)
It's a name, like a preprocessor `#define`, but the value can change
at *runtime*
<!-- ## RGB LED -->
<!-- - Three LEDs in the same package. -->
<!-- - LEDs share the same `GND` ($-$) pin, one ($+$) side of each LED -->
<!-- - Connect `-` to negative rail, R, G, & B to pins 3,5, & 6 on Arduino -->
<!-- \centering -->
<!-- \includegraphics[width=0.60\textwidth]{images/bb+uno+led.png} -->
## Programming Note: *If* Statement
~~~ C
if (condition) {
// body: Runs if condition true ( != 0)
} else {
// Runs if condition false ( == 0 )
- body code inside curly braces: `{` `}`
- **condition** evaluates to 0 $\rightarrow$ body code skipped
- else section is optional, runs if **condition** evaluates to 0
- **condition** evaluates to *not* 0 $\rightarrow$ body code runs
## Programming Note: `==`
In C-like languages, the `==` operator checks if two things
(statements, variables, \ldots) are equal to each other.
- It returns `1` if the items are equal, *or*
- It returns `0` if the items are not equal
## Push Button: Software (Part 2)
~~~ C
void loop() {
button_state = digitalRead(BUTTON);
if (button_state == HIGH) {
digitalWrite(LED, LOW);
} else {
digitalWrite(LED, HIGH);
# More Parts
## Potentiometer
*Puh - ten - she - ometer*
- *Pot* for short
- A Voltage Divider
- Voltage at *Wiper* is somewhere between potential at the two
- The exact wiper potential depends on the position of the knob/lever.
## ADC: Analog to Digital Converter
- A peripheral of the $\mu$Controller
- Measures Potential, outputs a number
- In our case, $\SI{0}{\volt}\rightarrow0$ and
- A0-A5 pins on Arduino can be used
- Fun uses: Reading pot position, sampling audio, reading from sensors
## The Pot Hookup
Connect center pin to `A0`, outer pins to ($+$) and ($-$) rails
## Pot Code
`analogRead(`*pin*`)` returns the current state of the pin (0--1023),
it can be assigned to a variable.
~~~ C
void loop() {
delay_ms = analogRead(A0);
digitalWrite(LED, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LED, LOW);
Each time through the loop, a new `delay_ms` value is read. Since the
subsequent delay calls use `delay_ms`, the blink rate changes with
knob position.
# Shall we play a game?
## Hooking up a bunch of LEDs
Looks complicated, but for each LED: The short leg goes to ground, the
long leg goes to one end of a resistor, and the other end of the
resistor goes to the arduino pin.
## Programming Note: `for` Loop
~~~ C
for ( initializer ; condition; increment ) {
// This body will repeat until condition != 0
: Executed once at beginning of loop. Often used to declare a local
: Loop will repeat until condition $\neq0$
: Runs *after* each loop. Often used to increment variables.
\center{*All fields are optional*}
## Game Code: Part. 1; Cylon Attack
~~~ C
loop () {
for (int i = 4; i <= 7; i++) {
delay_ms = analogRead(A0);
analogWrite(i - 1, LOW);
analogWrite(i, HIGH);
for (int i = 6; i >= 3; i--) {
delay_ms = analogRead(A0);
analogWrite(i + 1, LOW);
analogWrite(i, HIGH);
## Programming Note: Functions
~~~ C
void my_function(int arg1, ...) {
// Do fun things
: Return type. Void means nothing returned. Can be any type.
: A name for your function
: A type and name for any parameters you want to use in your function
from the outside.
Define a function once, you can use it again and again. Beats
## Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner
~~~ C
void check_delay(int cur_led, int delay_ms) {
if (cur_led != 5) { // No chance of winner
delay(delay_ms); // Do a normal delay
int start = millis();
while (millis() < start+delay_ms) {
if (digitalRead(BUTTON) == LOW) {
for (int i = 3; i <= 7; i++) {
digitalWrite(i, HIGH);
}; for (;;); // Loop until reset
## Putting it Together
~~~ C
loop () {
for (int i = 4; i <= 7; i++) {
delay_ms = analogRead(A0);
analogWrite(i - 1, LOW);
analogWrite(i, HIGH);
check_delay(i, delay_ms);
for (int i = 6; i >= 3; i--) {
check_delay(i, delay_ms);
## The End?
\LARGE{Let's build some cool stuff!}

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
### 1
Testing 1,2,3### 4
Nuit Blache - Took over Dundas interactive art.### 10
Nuit Blanche, projected head pictures
Makerbus Laser Show
Giant Trackball Katamari Damacy
Sphero Mini-Golf
Mind Controlled Robot Painting
### 13
Yarn Grid + Projector = Three Dimentional moving lights.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
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