165 lines
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165 lines
3.2 KiB
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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# MergeDrl.pl
# CC-BY 2012 9DOF <9dof.gg@gmail.com>
# Merges several Excellon format drill files into a single file.
# Usage: MergeDrl.pl input_file [...] > output_file
# Output's header will be copied from first input file
use strict;
use IO::File;
use Data::Dumper;
sub parseExcellon($);
# Get arguments
my @drills;
# Parse args and dump content
foreach my $fn (@ARGV) {
push @drills, parseExcellon($fn);
# my $f = new IO::File($fn, 'r');
# print 'Dumping ', $fn, "\n";
# dumpExcellon($f);
#print Dumper(\@drills);
# Combine drills
my %mergedDrills = (
tools => {},
coords => {});
my @comboTools = ();
foreach my $t(@drills) {
while (my($k,$v)=each %{$t->{tools}}){
push @comboTools, {spec => $v, coords => $t->{coords}->{$k}};
#print "Combo:\n";
#print Dumper(\@comboTools);
# Sort spec and allocate new indices
my $currTool;
my $prevTool;
my $currIndex = 1;
my @finalTools = ();
foreach my $e(sort {$a->{spec} cmp $b->{spec}} @comboTools) {
# Check if same spec as last one
if ($prevTool && $prevTool->{spec} eq $e->{spec}) {
push @{$prevTool->{coords}}, @{$e->{coords}};
} else {
$e->{tool} = 'T'.$currIndex++;
$prevTool = $e;
push @finalTools, $prevTool;
# print Dumper(\@finalTools);
# Output result
local $/ = "\r\n";
# Header
print "M48$/";
foreach my $h(@{$drills[0]->{headers}}) {
print "$h$/";
# List of tools
foreach my $t(@finalTools) {
print $t->{tool}.$t->{spec}.$/;
# End of header
print "\%$/";
# Body
print "G90$/";
print "G05$/";
print "M72$/";
# Coords
foreach my $t(@finalTools) {
print $t->{tool}, $/;
foreach my $c(@{$t->{coords}}) {
print "$c$/";
# End
print "T0$/";
print "M30$/";
exit 0;
# Excellon parser
sub parseExcellon($) {
my ($fn) = @_;
my %res = (
filename => $fn,
tools => {},
coords => {},
headers => []);
my $f = new IO::File($fn, 'r');
my $inHeader = 0;
my $inBody = 0;
my $currTool;
# print "Inside parseExcellon(${fn})\n";
local $/ = "\r\n";
# chop; # input is MSDOS line terminated
if (!$inHeader && !$inBody) { # Search for start of header (^M48)
if (/^M48/) {
# Found start of header
$inHeader = 1;
} else {
# print 's';
} elsif ($inHeader) { # Inside header, collect info until end of header (^%)
if (!/^\%/) {
# print 'h';
if (/^(T\d+)(.*)/) {
$res{tools}->{$1} = $2;
$res{coords}->{$1} = [];
} else {
push @{$res{headers}}, $_;
} else {
$inHeader = 0;
$inBody = 1;
} elsif ($inBody) { # Inside body, collect coords until end of body (^M30)
if (!/^M30/) {
# print 'b';
if (/^(T\d+)/) {
$currTool = $1;
} elsif ($currTool && exists $res{coords}->{$currTool}) {
push @{$res{coords}->{$currTool}}, $_;
} else {
$inBody = 0;
# print "\n";
# Dump info
# print "Info dump\n";
# print "Headers:\n";
# print @headers;
# print "Tools:\n";
# print join(",", @tools), "\n";
# print "Coords:\n";
# foreach my $t(@tools) {
# print "Tool: ", $t, "\n";
# print @{$coords{$t}};